Car rental website
not your car
This is my best project and the first fully working website with ReactJS for front-end and Flask for back-end. Deployed on Netlify and Heroku.
I am 25 years old who loves tech gadgets and always keep updated with the most recent technologies.
I'm seeking for a front-end web developer position to contribute to your company as well as to improve myself.
"It's not a bug, it's a feature." is my favorite quote.
Phone: + 84 916 132 912
Address: District 2, HCM City
District 4 - HCM City
District 3 - HCM City
District 7 - HCM City
I dealt with the customers, explain to them how the products work and let them know about the technical specs. Also in charge of warranty products.
2018 - 2019
I wrote review articles on local restaurants for deliveryNOW website.
2015 - 2016
Record the rubber sample from the latex processing plant. Assist senior staff to evaluate the finished latex.
2014 - 2015
This is my best project and the first fully working website with ReactJS for front-end and Flask for back-end. Deployed on Netlify and Heroku.
A full read-only site built with ReactJS and some React components (reactstrap, react-router, ...) and most important is API from THEMOVIEDB.
This is a website built with Flask and Jinja2. There are some basic features like register, login, create a event.